Don't overcompensate to prove to the nosy grandma lingering
over the shredded-wheat as if she really was experiencing a dilemma over which
fiber to buy --that you've got this. This isn't about you. It IS about
your child. What you do next either works toward changing a behavior or
reinforcing it. Pressure builds. What's a
mother to do? Breathe. It really is the only thing you can do. Just take a
moment and breathe. It is not the end of the world but it is part of the job
and a hurdle to be sure.
Is all this REALLY about the Choc-O cereal or is it about the time
of day? Have you asked too much of your child-- is he hungry? ready for a nap?
Have you tried to squeeze a quick-run-into-the-store into an already difficult
day? If so, count your loses and make your exit plan. Deny the desire to
just-give-him-the-cereal-so-he-will-shut-up-already. Resist the urge to yell or
smack your child. Tell Jr. that throwing himself on the floor is not
acceptable-- in whatever phrases he understands--insist he stands up, take his
hand and with as much dignity as you can muster-- walk out of the store.
A store employee will have been watching the kiddie-show and will get the
groceries restocked. At this moment, the most important players are your child and
you. There is no need to fuss at him about his bad behavior; just put him in
his booster seat and drive home. Whatever you thought you had to have will have
to be gotten later.
When the timing is bad, you can't expect your child to give you
the behavior you desire if he doesn't have it in him.
HOWEVER, if this is not a timing issue, but rather a behavior
issue, use it as a teachable moment. With eye-to-eye contact ( and no regard to
lingering granny) quietly explain what is expected. When you get quiet
your child has to get quiet to hear what you have to say-- just in case it is
"YES you can have what you want". Tell Jr. he can either walk
calmly with you or ride in the cart and that throwing a fit will not get him
what he is crying for. Stand perfectly still until he contains himself. Yes,
even if it takes a few minutes. You are investing in his future behavior here.
When he gets quiet, continue on with your shopping. Now, engage him in
some positive conversation. Help him redeem himself and regain some
self-control ( both of you). Ask him to point out where the milk is. When there
are options--- raisins or applesauce-- let him make the choice.
Praise his good behavior and helpfulness. What 5 year old WANTS to be
dragged through the boring task of grocery shopping? If it is a big shopping
trip, offer a reward for good behavior to be awarded when you are done.. Kind
of like a paycheck at the end of the job. Remind him along the way that he is
earning his reward by good behavior.
Timing is everything. BE THE MOM: don't ask the impossible at an
improbable time. Teach and train: set your child up for success and enjoy your
time with him!