Monday, April 13, 2009

Can I write that check with crayon?

A mother really asked me that one day. Is it any surprise? She was digging down into her survival bag- aka- diaper bag, and all she could get her hands on was a crayon. The needs of the child were being met , but what of those of the mother?
I often remind mothers to take care of themselves first! Is may sound selfish, but you can't take care of someone else if your life is being depleted. When we are given instructions on an airplane we are told that if the oxygen masks drop down- PUT YOUR MASK ON FIRST, and THEN put the mask on your child. Why? Because if you pass out from lack of oxygen you will be of no help to your child!
To be the best mom- or parent you can be- you have to take care of yourself. You know, do all the things your mom always told you to do~ eat right, sleep enough, take vitamins....etc., but add to that list-- take care of your spirit and your soul ( your mind, will and emotions). If you pour yourself all out for your children, you will eventually empty out and heaven help those standing within hearing distance when THAT happens. It is commonly called "burn-out", but most moms know it as "someone-standing-on-my-last-nerve". Often that is when the serene "may I help you?" mommy begins to yell things like "WHAT do you want now?!?".
How do you take care of your spirit and soul? What things did you like to do bc (before children)? Yes, you CAN remember if you try hard enough. Or, what things would you like to try doing that you haven't MADE time for? Your husband will do himself a favor if he makes time for you to recharge your batteries. It is a win-win situation. He gets time to hang out with the kids with no interference and you get to do something you like to do. At the end of the day, everyone is happy.
Be the mom: you take care of others, take good care of yourself!

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