Sunday, April 19, 2009

Do these things come with a manual?

I have heard more than one parent lament that their child did not come with an owner's manual. Wouldn't it be great if each child did come with instructions: this one is gassy, there are drops for that; this one sleeps all night but is a live-wire during the day, there are swing attachments for that; or this one only eats orange foods, avoid all greens. Unfortunatly, there is no manual for our newborn. However, when it comes to raising them and shaping there character, there IS one! It is called the Bible. Who has ALL the answers? Not me! Lets face it, we need all the help we can get. The Bible is FULL of direction and insight especially in the books of Proverbs and Psalms> they tell that a "wise man" does this and a "fool" does that. It is like the colored vegetables- you do one and avoid the other!
I know I could not do this job alone. It gives me great peace and courage to know that God (who is in control of my life) is bigger than me and all my problems, has the answers I don't even know the questions to yet and has the map and directions for me and my family to get through this life with joy and on into heaven. The heaven I am looking forward to is the home of Jesus Christ.
It is not my place to tell you how you should raise your child spiritually, but I do want to encourage you to find the help you need to the hardest job you will ever have! It is so very nice not to have to walk this place alone!
Be the Parent: Guide your child!

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