I am often asked how to get a child to sleep through the night. If you have ever watched Super Nanny you have received some great instruction on the topic. The point is, if you go to your children every time they cry after you put them down to sleep, you are telling them, “you are unable to go to sleep without me and if you cry I will come and help you get to sleep. Every time and all the time.” Is that REALLY what you want to do? I did not want to spend every night in a “get-back-in-your-bed-and-stop-crying” routine, which happens as your infant becomes a toddler that never learned how to go to sleep on his or her own. After learning from the first child, I parented smarter!
Infants need us- they depend on us for their very livelihood; they can not take care of themselves. So we feed and change and rock them…and sometimes they still cry. Crying is a child’s language- as you get used to your child you begin to understand the “I’m hungry” cry or the “my tummy hurts” cry. Or even the “I am wet and can’t stand it” cry. But sometimes, baby just needs to cry. And as long as all of his or her needs have been met, they are comfortable (not too hot and not too cold) and in a safe position, it is ok to let them cry. Maybe you let them cry for a few minutes the first night before going to him or her, and then 15 minutes the next, until eventually your baby is crying for a short period of time and drifting off to sleep without any patting or rocking from you. And if he or she wakes up in the night they will be able to go back to sleep without crying to get you back in the room so YOU can put them back to sleep. It really can be done. But it is all up to you. Decide what message you want your child to receive from you and act on it. I like the message: I love you and know you can go to sleep without me!
Teach your 3 year old( or what-ever age) that she can not come into your bed and sleep with you in the middle of the night by saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Put her back to bed a few nights in a row and you won’t have to deal with feet in your back or under your chin for months on end!
Everyone wins and the whole family is happier! Be the PARENT and get a good night’s sleep!
Lets face it, most days it is all we can do to keep up with which child is where- let alone consider character training! Yes there are MANY books on the subject of parenting, but on the days that you don't have time to read long chapters, I hope you will gain inspiration- and some laughter- from this blog. REAL encouragement for REAL parenting!
Excellent article. Bravo.:-)