Thursday, June 26, 2014

Missing Parents

All across the globe, parents are missing. It is a horrible phenomenon. Children are being left to their own devices-- literally; they are being taught how to live by Animated Animals , Cars and other Toys. From here to the grocery store they are distracted from arguments ( and problem solving)  or engaging in conversation by movies or video games and a stranger is reading them their bedtime stories via audio ebooks. And may I ask, what was so wrong with playing the License Plate game or the Alphabet Game while on a road trip?
     Why not embrace the techno age? What's the harm in electronic education and entertainment? Nothing when used properly as a tool. Everything when used as a surrogate parent.
      I know, I know, the dishes pile up and the kids get rowdy and all you want to do is check (out) your friend's status or  let your mind wander through all the cool/fabulous/impossible ideas ( that you will never attempt)  on Pinterest. You promise yourself you will only scroll through for a minute. You check your email, your Twitter, your Instagram, and you know you have to Google something. You  wind up on ITunes and wonder what to serve for dinner-- BECAUSE IT IS ALREADY DINNER TIME NOW! ARGH!
     Electronics are a time vacuum and a reality bender/suspender/deceiver.
     Time really does fly when your children are riding on its wings.  In a blink your babies aren't babies anymore.   They go from baby to bride or from colic to college in a minute.

     Your little munchkins are being robbed of Face Time--- not the Face Time on the cell phone or iPad-- but the real-- eyeball to eyeball contact that we used to know and love. Joy, pain, frustration...LOVE, all radiate through the eyes and the expressions of our face. We generate more information through our body language than we ever do through our words.

YOU! Yes, YOU! Put that device down and back away slowly~ turn and look at the little faces around you and say HELLO!

BE THE MOM: Engage with your children. When asked, you will say that there is nothing more important to you than your children. Prove it. Say NO to your electronic distractions and YES to playing with your children.
#parenting  #bethemom

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